Saskatchewan pawsitivily excited by Lions Newsletter
Saskatchewan OES partnered with the local Lions group to share their “pawsitivily” exciting article published in the national Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guide newsletter.
Pawtners in Success: Order of the Eastern Star, Saskatchewan Chapter
To fulfill our mission and support Canadians from coast-to-coast, it takes a village and we are grateful the Order of the Eastern Star, Saskatchewan Chapter, is part of our village. Through the years, the money they fundraise for LFCDG has been applied to sponsoring numerous Dog Guide teams.
Llynne Lambert serves as the Canadian Chair on Service Dogs and explains the structure of their organization:
“The Order of the Eastern Star is a worldwide organization of men and women, with leaders at the top that direct each state, province and in some cases, countries (known as Grand Chapters). My position is to work on service dogs in Canada. I have committees in every province that work on raising money for service dogs throughout their province. My job is to assist, promote and work with each province to obtain their fundraising goal.”
In Saskatchewan, Chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star have chosen to support the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. We are so grateful for all their support over the years. They have raised over $30,000 to go towards Dog Guides.