We want to hear from you and your Jurisdiction. The Eastern Star Journal is always looking for articles from Sisters and Brothers around the world. Please share with the rest of the OES what you, your Chapter, and Jurisdiction are doing.
SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM EDITOR-NANCY FORD to WGMs (Mach 12, 2021). Click Here to View Message
Articles are received continuously with NO specific deadlines.
How to Write and Submit an Article
- Online is preferred. Email article and photo to OESJournalEditor@easternstar.org and esjeditor@comcast.net
- Regular Ground Mail Service: mail to the above address to Nancy L. Ford, PGM, Editor. Paper copy, typed to enable scanning of information.
- Digital photos are preferred. Pictures in electronic format (.jpg) submitted online in the highest quality available (minimum 400x400px).
- Printed photos with clarity sufficient for scanning. Please note that original pictures will not be returned.
- Author’s Name and Title; Chapter Name, Number and Location.
- Contact phone number (will not be printed with the article)
- Title of Article *
- Date of Event
- Any notes for the Editor about the article or photo to assist the Editor in determining how to publish the article.
- If the article has been published, provide name of publication/newspaper
- Please verify spelling of names and titles
PLEASE PROVIDE ARTICLE TITLE IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF THE EMAIL. Articles submitted via email will receive an acknowledgment receipt. Please check your mailbox for receipt email and review to ensure all information was submitted.
If you have any questions for submitting an article, or are unable to submit as listed above, please email the Editor at OESJournalEditor@easternstar.org and esjeditor@comcast.net
- Note that the editor retains the right to edit, adjust, or otherwise make changes to an article or image without consulting with the original author.
All articles and images become the property of the Eastern Star Journal. All articles submitted must be the work of the submitter, and all quotations must be appropriately credited to the original author; otherwise it will not be published by the Journal. Clippings from newspapers cannot be published by the Journal, unless written permission is included from the original publisher when submitting the article or image.
Send articles to the Editor of the Eastern Star Journal, Mrs. Nancy Ford, PGM of Maryland, using this email link –> Eastern Star Journal Editor at OESJournalEditor@easternstar.org and esjeditor@comcast.net
Or, you can mail articles and photos via USPS mail to:
The Eastern Star Journal Editor
2816 Munster Road
Parkville, MD 21234
If you have any questions for submitting an article, or are unable to submit as listed above, please email the Editor at OESJournalEditor@easternstar.oregonoes . Note that the editor retains the right to edit, adjust, or otherwise make changes to an article or image without consulting with the original author. All articles and images become the property of the Eastern Star Journal.
All articles submitted must be the work of the submitter, and all quotations must be appropriately credited to the original author; otherwise it will not be published by the Journal. Clippings from newspapers cannot be published by the Journal, unless written permission is included from the original publisher when submitting the article or image.
Articles are received continuously with NO specific deadlines.
JoAnn "Jo" Green PGM Florida Chairman States Covered: AW, FL, GA, NC, SC, VA, WV bjoanngreen0809@gmail.com
Nancy Ford PGM Maryland Editor poohtig2816@comcast.net
Donna K. Williams PGM DC Subscription & Finance Phone: (202) 667-4737 dwilliams@easternstar.org
Eileen Palmieri PGM BC & Yukon Member Coverage: AB, BC, MB, SK, YK
Victor Taggart PGP Massachusetts Member Coverage: CT, MA, NH, RI mvtaggartmedma@gmail.com
Cynthia "Cyn" Norman PGM Nebraska Member Coverage: AZ, KS, NE, NM cynlnorman@gmail.com
Norma Clark PGM Oklahoma Member Coverage: AR, IA, MN, OK theclarks@cotc.net
James W. J. "Jim" Williamson PGP Tennessee Member Coverage: NB, NS, ON, PEI, QC jw.williamson@sympatico.ca
G. Ann Thomas PGM Oregon Member Coverage: AK, CA, HI, ID, OR, WA gann2551@msn.com
Virginia "Gee Gee" Plyler PGM Pennsylvania Member Coverage: DE, DC, MD, NJ, OH, PA ggplyler@comcast.net
Van Mathis PGP Tennessee Member Coverage: AL, KY, LA, MS, TN vmathis@dtccom.net
William "Bill" Crews PGP Texas Member Coverage: IL, MO, TX, WI gavel420@att.net
Ruthmarie Rives PGM Utah Member Coverage: CO, NV, UT rrives@live.com
Richard "Rich" Button PGP Vermont Member Coverage: IN, ME, MI, NY, VT rkrjbutton@aol.com
Karlene Sjoden PGM Wyoming Member Coverage: MT, ND, SD, WY karlenesjoden@outlook.com