Who Can Join?
- Men who are Master Masons in good standing of a regular Lodge of the Masonic Fraternity.
- Women who are relatives of past or present Master Masons in good standing of a regular Lodge of the Masonic Fraternity. The necessary relationship is by birth, marriage or adoption.
- Women who are majority members of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls® or Job’s Daughters International® or have been active for three (3) years, who have reached the age of 18.
- Women who are at least 18 years of of age who are sponsored by two members, one Sister and one Brother.

Member Petition Details
A petition for the degrees or membership must be signed by the petitioner and two members of the Chapter, who recommend the petitioner. Each male petitioner for degrees or membership must present with his petition, a current year's dues card, a certification or its equivalent of affiliation and good standing in a regular Lodge of Master Masons as recognized by the Grand Lodge of the jurisdiction wherein the petitioned Chapter is located. Each female petitioner for the degrees must be at least eighteen (18) years of age at the time the petition is read at a stated meeting of the Chapter, and must present with her petition a certificate of qualification by proper Masonic relationship or qualification by membership -either active for three (3) years or majority-in the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls® or in Job's Daughters International®. If a woman is being sponsored by a Sister and Brother, the petition must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation signed by both. The petition must be received at a stated meeting of the Chapter, unless the Grand Chapter of its jurisdiction shall otherwise provide; and when received must be referred to a committee of three members, one of whom shall be a Brother, appointed by the presiding officer. Only a Brother may inquire as to the standing of a Masonic Brother. No member who signed the petition recommending the person may serve as a member of the Investigating Committee. The committee can report only at a stated meeting.